1. Hello World program in c 

2. Taking input from user in c

3. Adding two numbers in c

4. Area of Triangle in c

5. Roots of Quadratic Equation in c

6. Swap two variables in c

7. Factorial of a number in c

8. Simple Interest in c

9. Compound Interest in c

10. Armstrong Number in c

11. Even or Odd Number in c

12. Sum of Even and Odd Numbers in c

13. Positive or Negative Number in c

14. To Check Whether Given Numbers are Equal or Not in c

15. Sum of Digits in c

16. Convert Binary Number into Decimal in c

17. Convert Decimal Number into Binary in c

18. Convert Binary Number into Octal in c

19. Convert Binary Number into Hexadecimal in c

20. Convert Decimal Number into Octal in c

21. Convert Decimal Number into Hexadecimal in c

22. Convert Roman Number into Decimal in c

23. Convert Octal Number into Binary in c

24. Convert Hexadecimal into Binary in c

25. Convert Numbers into Roman Numerals in c