➽ Program:-

import java.util.*;

class Main


    public static void main(String args[])


        int  number, binary_value, decimal_value = 0, base = 1, rem;

        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);


        System.out.print("Enter a Binary Number(In 0s and 1s): ");

        number = s.nextInt();


        binary_value = number;


        while(number > 0)


            rem = number % 10;

            decimal_value += rem * base;

            number = number / 10 ;

            base = base * 2;



        System.out.print("Decimal Equivalent of "+binary_value+" is "+decimal_value);



➽ Output:-

Enter a Binary Number(In 0s and 1s): 10111001
Decimal Equivalent of 10111001 is 185